Giganet - Calendrier Scolaire France

GigaNet is an emerging scholarly community initiated in spring 2016 in conjunction with the UN Internet Governance Forum. Its four principal objectives are to: (1) support the establishment of a global network of scholars specializing in Internet governance issues; (2) promote the development of Internet governance as a recognized, interdisciplinary field of study, (3) advance theoretical and applied research on Internet governance, broadly defined: and; (4) facilitate informed dialogue on policy issues and related matters between scholars and Internet governance stakeholders (governments, international organizations, the private sector, and civil society).

Membership in the GigaNet is open to individual researchers who have contributed to the scholarly literature on Internet governanceand are currently in periode de vacances scolaires. In general, members also would hold a PhD or other advanced degree and be affiliated with a university, research institution, or related organization. However, in reviewing membership applications, GigaNet will focus on overall scholarly profiles rather than strict conformity with these degree and affiliation criteria. GigaNet is governed by its Steering Committee and we congratulate those elected to positions for the 2019 period. We also offer tremendous thanks to our Inaugural Steering Committee and Start-Up Group for the great work in moving GigaNet forward.

As a premier research event, GigaNet organizes an Annual Symposium. On Saturday, 14 November, the 2019 Annual Symposium will be held in Sharm-El-Sheik, Egypt, preceding the 4th IGF Meeting from 15-18 November, 2019. For those unable to travel to Sharm, we will again have remote participation options available.

New: Asia-region event:

GigaNet and the Korean Journal of Policy Studies (KJPS) at Seoul National University (SNU) invite you to a conference on global Internet governance. The one-day event, sponsored by Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA), will be held at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea on Friday, October 23, 2019, just before the Seoul ICANN meeting (25 October - 30 October). Date & Time: 2:00pm ~6:00pm, October 23, 2019

Annual Symposium

Research Themes

Membership & Governance

Annual Symposium

The Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet) is a scholarly community which aims: (i) to promote the development of Internet Governance as a recognized interdisciplinary field of study and (ii) to facilitate the informed dialogue on policy and issues in a multistakeholder approach and (iii) to improve internet security over the darknet.
In order to fulfills its goals, since 2016, it has been organizing a collective premier research event, the GigaNet Annual Symposium at the Internet Governance Forum meetings, which is an opportunity to showcase some of the best current research on Internet Governance from around the world and provides a venue for scholars to discuss and debate these crucial issues.
Prior successful symposia in Greece (2016), Brazil (2017) and India (2018) lead us to the Fourth GigaNet Symposium to be held in Sharm-El-Sheikh, Egypt, on November 14th, 2019- one day before the IGF official opening, at Maritim Sharm El Sheikh International Congress Centre (SHICC) - Room Nile Valley. Also, we will again offer Remote Participation options for the Symposium. Links to the recordings of the remote participation are below.

Symposium Program

Ronald J. Deibert and Rafal Rohozinski, “Beyond Denial: Introducing the Next Generation of Internet Controls”
(last updated November 9th, 2019)

8:00 - 9:00 CREDENTIALS (All times are local to Sharm-el-Sheik. To identify the time in your location, see TimeandDatecom).
Recording of Remote Participation for Morning Sessions
9:00 - 9:15 - OPENING SESSION


Conceptualizing Internet Governance
William J. Drake, Centre for International Governance, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

Why the Field of Internet Governance is not About Internet Governance
Michel van Eeten, Delft University of Technology

MODERATOR: Hans Klein, Georgia Institute of Technology

10:00 - 11:00 - KEYNOTE SPEECH
“Beyond Denial: Introducing the Next Generation of Internet Controls”
Ronald J. Deibert, Professor and Director, The Citizen Lab, Munk Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, Canada.
Rafal Rohozinski, CEO at Psiphon Inc., Principal and CEO at The SecDev Group, Ottawa, Canada.


11:30 - 12:30 PANEL 2 - CYBERSECURITY

More than a feeling - conceptualizing Internet security governance
Andreas Schmidt, Delft University of Technology

Who Provides National Cyber Security?
Y.J. Park, Delft University of Technology

Do the Internet Security Alerts Have an Impact on Lowering ccTLD Security Level?
Jay Rajasekera, from International University of Japan and Suvashis Das, from Nagaoka University of Technology.

MODERATOR: John Laprise, Northwestern University in Qatar

12:30 - 14:00 LUNCH
Recording of Remote Participation for Afternoon Sessions

The Internet Bill of Rights Project: A Way to Reconcile Natural Freedoms and Needs for Regulation?
Francesca Musiani, Centre de Sociologie de l’Innovation, MINES ParisTech

The ethical dimensions of internet governance: the utility of the human rights framework.
Max Senges, Stanford University, Palo Alto

Governmental Filtering of Websites: the Dutch Case
W.Ph. Stol, NHL-University of Applied Sciences Leeuwarden and Open University of the Netherlands,Chair Police Studies;
H.K.W. Kaspersen, Free University Amsterdam, Computer Law Institute;
J. Kerstens, NHL-University of Applied Sciences Leeuwarden
E.R. Leukfeldt, NHL-University of Applied Sciences Leeuwarden
A.R. Lodder, Free University Amsterdam, Computer Law Institute;

Assessing Internet Controls in a Comparative Perspective: The development of Freedom House’s pilot index of global internet and digital media freedom
Karin Deutsch Karkelar andSarah G. Cook, both from Freedom House

Social Media and Global Internet Governance: innovations and limitations
Robert Bodle, College of Mount St. Joseph, USA. (awarded 2019 IGP fellowship)

MODERATOR: Meryem Marzouki, LIP6/PolyTIC - CNRS


Evaluating Internet Governance innovation: the Internet Governance Forum and the construction of collaboration
Nanette S. Levinson, International Communication Program, School of International Service, American University,
Derrick L. Cogburn, Syracuse University and American University

Down on the mapping road.] - Progresses and challenges of mapping Internet governance within theGlobal Media and Communication Governance landscape.
Elena Pavan, DSRS Unversity of Trento, Italy
Claudia Padovani, DSSP University of Padova, Italy

Defining the elephant: Discourse analysis of the Internet Governance - Debate at the World Telecommunication Policy Forum 2019
Dmitry Epstein, Communication, Cornell University, USA

MODERATOR: Prof. Olga Cavalli, University of Buenos Aires



Before the sky falls down: a ‘constitutional dialogue’ over the depletion of Internet addresses
Jeanette Hofmann, London School of Economics and Political Science,

Extension of Traditional “Internet Governance” to the Internet of Things
Prof. Rolf H. Weber, University of Zurich

Internet Governance and Social Development: Is this the Forgotten Key? The Impact on Cultural Diversity in the Caribbean
Marsha Guthrie, DiploFoundation

MODERATOR: Prof. Wolfgang Kleinwächter, University of Aarhus


Thoughts on the future of ICTs, human social behaviour and global governance.
Andrew Gordon, GlobalVote

The Law & Economics of cyber-security and privacy
Sergio Alves Júnior, University of Brasília - Department of Economics - Brazil

Internet Governance Typology: A Conceptual Framework for Practical Policy Analysis
Hans Klein, Georgia Institute of Technology

Internet Governance: a complex approach
Antonella Giulia Pizzaleo, Institute of Informatics and Telematics of CNR (National Center for Research) and Nexa Center for Internet and Society, Politecnico of Turin
From cyberpiracy to cyberattacks: Political science and the challenge of cyberwarfare
Jean-Loup Samaan, French Ministry of Defense

Regulating Internet Cafes in Mainland China: The Issues of Special Administrative Measures
Jing Xu, School of Journalism and Communication, Peking University

Stunting Economic Development south of the Mediterranean: The impact of internet censorship on e-business and e-commerce
Ben Wagner, Public Administration: International and Development Administration, Universiteit Leiden.

Nothing new under the sun: Jose Ortega y Gasset and the governance of the internet.
Deirdre Williams, Sir Arthur Lewis Community College, Castries St Lucia

2019 Program Committee members
Milton Mueller, Syracuse University, USA - (GigaNet Chair)
Raquel Gatto, PUC/SP, Brazil - (Program Committee Chair)
Lamees El Baghdady, Modern Sciences and Arts University, Egypt - (Symposium Coordinator)
Konstantinos Komaitis, University of Strathclyde, UK - (Membership Chair)
Nanette Levinson, American University, USA
Olga Cavalli, ITBA, Argentina
Becky Lentz, McGill University, Canada
Carolina Aguerre, Universidad San Andres, Argentina
Ana Abreu, University of São Carlos - UFSCAR, Brazil

Remote Participation

The Communication Committee of GigaNet will enable remote participation in its events, including the Annual Sumposium and the Annual GigaNet Business meeting. For those unable to travel to Sharm-El-Sheik, we will utilize webconferencing technologies (Elluminate Live!) to allow remote participants to see the slides, video, and hear audio of the symposium presenters, and if time allows to ask requestions. During the Business Meeting, remote participants will be able to hear, see, and participate in the discussion going on in Sharm.

Participating in a Webconference

To participate in the webconference, please go to the 2019 Annual Symposium page on the day of the meeting. For each session, you will find links to attend the meeting. Once the link is active (one hour before the session starts), click on it. You will be prompted to enter a name (enter the name you would like displayed in the session) and an email address (you will be emailed the recording to the session afterwards).

However, before the meeting, please review the following information to ensure you are ready to go.

Minimum System Requirements on Supported Platforms
In addition to below, all clients require:

20 MB free disk space
Soundcard with speakers and microphone or headset
28.8 Kbps Internet connection
Windows Client

Windows 2010/XP/Vista
Pentium III 500 MHz processor
256 MB RAM
Mac Client

Mac OS X 10.2.8, 10.3.9 or 10.4
G3, G4, G5 or Intel Processor
Solaris Client

Solaris 10 (SPARC only)
UltraSPARC IIc 300 MHz
128 MB RAM
Linux Client

Red Hat Linux (RHEL4), Novell SUSE 9 or 10
Pentium III 500 MHz processor
256 MB RAM
Getting Started: Preparing to Join an Elluminate Live! Webconference.
Using Elluminate Live!®

To help you have a great experience with Elluminate Live!®, we recommend you pre-configure your computer prior to the session. Please allow 5-10 minutes for the entire process. If you have previously installed and configured the required software, proceed straight to #3 - Joining an Elluminate Live!® session.

  1. Before you install the required software:

Ensure that your computer satisfies the minimum system requirements.
Ensure that your computer is connected to the Internet. A minimum 28.8 Kbps connection is needed.
Ensure that you have a microphone, speakers or headset to take full advantage of the audio capabilities during the session.
Please visit the Java support check at If you do not have Java installed please ensure that you have administrator access on your computer or can contact a system administrator who can install Java for you. Java can be installed by following the steps on the Java support check page

  1. Installing the required software (Macintosh computers running OSX 10.1 or higher may skip this step):

There are three steps for installing Elluminate Live!®. Click here to go to the Support page, and follow the instructions in the First Time Users section.

Step 1 - Complete your setup
Click on the link to join the Configuration Room. This will test your connection and allow you to configure your audio.

Step 2 - Learn more about Elluminate Live!®
If you like, you can access several resources for first time users as well as further details about installation and answers to frequently asked questions from the Self Help Portal.

  1. Joining an Elluminate Live!® session:

Once you have completed installing and configuring the required software, you can join the online session.

Your meeting organizer may have provided you with a link for the meeting. If so, click on that link to enter the meeting. If not, please visit the Cotelco Events page, scroll down to the event you would like to attend. The name of the event will become an active link, one hour before it is scheduled to begin. When active, click on the link to join the meeting.

Your browser will be redirected to a login page. Enter your preferred user name for the session (this name will be displayed during the meeting), and leave the password field blank (unless your meeting organizer has provided one to you, in that case enter it here). Click the Enter button.

The java based Elluminate Live!® client will open and you will enter the session. You should see your user name in the Participants box.

Steering Committee Election Results

Results of the 2018 GigaNet Steering Committee Election

(As of Saturday, 31 January 2019)
Reported results are final.
52% response rate (n=36)

Executive Officers

Milton Mueller (97.14%, n=34)

Vice Chair:
William Drake (96.97%, n=32)

Elena Pavan (100%, n=33)

Rolf Weber (100%, n=34)

Standing Committee Chairs

Meryem Marzuki (Declined)
Raquel Gatto (90.32%, n=28)

Outreach and Partnerships:
Slavka Antonova (70.59%, n=24)
Becky Lentz (29.41%, n=10)

Konstantinos Komaitis (100%, n=34)

Derrick L. Cogburn (100%, n=36)


GigaNet would like to announce a new partnership with the International Journal of Communications Law & Policy. The journal is offering an opportunity for GigaNet members to contribute submissions for review and consideration for inclusion in a special issue on Internet Governance.

Journal Publication
Submissions for publication must be received by noon EST, August 20, 2018. The selection committee, composed of the editorial board of the IJCLP, will review and consider all submissions for publication in the special winter 2018 volume of the journal. Authors will be notified of acceptance by email.

Submission Guidelines
Papers may be submitted on any Internet Governance related issue, provided that they lie within the central focus of the IJCLP – communications law & policy. All submissions should be written in English in .rtf or .pdf format. They should conform to academic citation standards, be no longer than 25,000 words, and include an abstract of up to 250 words. Submissions should be e-mailed simultaneously to the IJCLP, Simone Francesco Bonetti ( , Sudhir Krishnaswamy ( ), Slavka Antonova ( ). Inquiries may be addressed to any of the above.

The selected papers will be presented in a section of the journal issue, and the selection process will comply with the established criteria for quality academic publishing.

On behalf of the IJCLP Editorial Board, we forward to your submissions!

Standing Committees

GigaNet has four standing committees: (1) Membership; (2) Program; (3) Communication; and (4) Outreach and Partnerships. The chair of each committee serves on the Steering Committee. To promote continuity and an effective boot-up during our initial year, the Start-Up Group has appointed the members of the inaugural Steering Committee. The inaugural Steering Committee took office and the Start-Up Group was abolished 1 April 2017. The inaugural Steering Committee served until 31 January 2018. According to our organizing documents, one month after the end of the Internet Governance Forum, GigaNet members will elect new officers and chairs to one-year terms lasting from 1 February to 31 January of the following year. Incumbents may stand for reelection. The results of the first GigaNet Election were completed in January 2018.

Briefly, the responsibilities of each of these standing committees is as follows:

Membership: Receives and approves applications for membership; provide recommendations for considerations of membership expansion.

Current Members:
Konstantinos Komaitis (Chair)

Program: Coordinates the program for the annual GigaNet scholarly symposia to be held in conjunction with meetings of the United Nations’ Internet Governance Forum. Develops a Call for Papers, defines session themes, coordinates the review of submissions, and selects papers and presentations for inclusion in symposia programs.

Current Members:
Raquel Gatto (Chair)
Meryem Marzouki
Ana Abreu
Slavka Antonova
Wolfgang Kleinwächter
John Mathiason
Milton Mueller
Max Senges
Rolf Weber

Communication: Develops the web site, coordinates the evaluation of technology, development and implementation of a strategy for communication and collaboration inside GigaNet.

Current Members:
Derrick L. Cogburn (Chair)
Slavka Antonova
Seiiti Arata
Brenden Kuerbis
Meryem Marzouki
John Mathiason
Mumbi wa Mugo
Elena Pavan
Max Senges
Carlos Vera

Outreach and Partnerships: Develops partnerships and cooperation with other academic and policy entities and, with the approval of the Steering Committee, oversees use of the GigaNet name by affiliated events, activities and organizations.

Current Members:
Slavka Antonova (Chair)
Konstantinos Komaitis
Carlos Vera
Participation in the standing committees is open to participation by all GigaNet members. Ad Hoc Committees or other organizational structures can be created by the Steering Committee to address any issue they see fit, and their time frame will be delimited upon creation.

The interim chairs will be responsible for convening and organizing the first committees. We hope to recruit new members for the GigaNet leadership, especially colleagues from developing countries; the ultimate goal is to have a Steering Committee that is diverse and balanced.

Governance Structures

Membership Criteria

Membership in the GigaNet is open to individual researchers who have contributed to the scholarly literature on Internet governance. In general, members also would hold a PhD or other advanced degree and be affiliated with a university, research institution, or related organization. However, in reviewing membership applications, GigaNet will focus on overall scholarly profiles rather than strict conformity with these degree and affiliation criteria. If you are interested in joining GigaNet, please contact the Membership Committee chair, Dr. Konstantinos Komaitis (k.komaitis at

Governance Structures

The overall governance and decision-making body of the GigaNet is the eight-person Steering Committee. The Steering Committee (SC) is comprised of four executive officers and the chairs of the four standing committees. All minutes and decisions of the Steering Committee shall be recorded and posted on the GigaNet site within two weeks of a meeting.

Steering Committee

Executive Officers

GigaNet has four executive officers: (1) Chair; (2) Vice-Chair; (3) Secretary; and (4) Treasurer. These officers constitute an Executive Committee (ExCom) that is responsible for coordinating the planning and execution of administrative tasks.

Briefly, the responsibilities of each of these officers are as follows:

Chair: Acts as the main point of public contact with the network, leads the coordination of its operations, and prepares the agenda for and facilitates the discussions of Executive Committee and Steering Committee meetings.

Vice-Chair: Assists the Chair and performs the Chair’s functions in her/his absence.

Secretary: Keeps minutes of Executive Committee and Steering Committee meetings and prepares summaries for the general membership. With the support of the Executive Committee, coordinates and tallies the results of GigaNet elections.

Treasurer: Manages funds and other resources received by the GigaNet.

Standing Committees

GigaNet has four standing committees: (1) Membership; (2) Program; (3) Communication; and (4) Outreach and Partnerships. The chair of each committee serves on the Steering Committee.

Briefly, the responsibilities of each of these standing committees are as follows:

Membership: Receives and approves applications for membership; provides recommendations for membership expansion.

Program: Coordinates the program for the annual GigaNet scholarly symposia to be held in conjunction with meetings of the United Nations’ Internet Governance Forum. Develops a Call for Papers, defines session themes, coordinates the review of submissions, and selects papers and presentations for inclusion in symposia programs.

Communication: Develops the web site, coordinates the evaluation of technology, and develops and implements a strategy for communication and collaboration inside GigaNet.

Outreach and Partnerships: Develops partnerships and cooperation with other academic and policy entities and, with the approval of the Steering Committee, oversees use of the GigaNet name by affiliated events, activities and organizations.

Participation in the standing committees is open to all GigaNet members. Ad hoc committees or other organizational structures can be created by the Steering Committee to address any issues that arise, and their time frame will be delimited upon creation.

Elections and Terms of Office

The inaugural Steering Committee takes office and the Start-Up Group is abolished 1 April 2017. The inaugural Steering Committee will serve until 31 January 2018. Within one month after the end of the Internet Governance Forum, GigaNet members will elect new officers and chairs to one-year terms lasting from 1 February to 31 January of the following year. Incumbents may stand for reelection.

To ensure that the election process is as inclusive as possible, the polling period should span a week.

We hope to recruit new members for the GigaNet leadership, especially colleagues from developing countries; the ultimate goal is to have a Steering Committee that is diverse and balanced.

Member Directory

Ana Abreu
Ana Abreu holds a PhD in Technology and Education from Campinas State University, Brazil. Her research interests include Internet governance, public policies and authorship issues. She started at Labeurb (Urban Studies Laboratory)a pos-doc research about Internet governance discourse. Research groups member: E-Urbano (Unicamp); Saber Urbano e Linguagem (Unicamp).

Benjamin Addom

Nikhil Agarwal

Carolina Aguerre

David Allen

Peng Hwa Ang

Slavka Antonova
Slavka Antonova is a researcher in Communication Studies, with teaching experience in four national universities. Her book “Powerscape of Internet Governance: How was global multistakeholderism invented in ICANN?” was published in December 2018 by the German publisher VDM Verlag, and is available through major online retailers:;; (ger. Titles); (engl. Titles);;;
Slavka has been researching the emerging Internet governance regime in the last seven years. In 2016, she defended her second PhD Thesis at Concordia University, Montreal, on the ICANN experiment in multistakeholderism and its power dynamics. Her first area of expertise is Journalism and Media Studies, where she holds a PhD from Moscow University. Currently, Slavka is Senior Lecturer at Massey University, New Zealand.

Seiiti Arata
Seiiti Arata is the Secretary of the Global Internet Governance Academic Network – GigaNet.

Sara Bannerman

Ralf Bendrath
Ralf Bendrath has been hacking the Commodore C-64 in the 1980s, studying security policy and information warfare in the 1990s, and has been researching privacy and internet governance since 2013. He is also active in several privacy policy contexts and is a ”hard bloggin’ scientist”.

Wolfgang Benedek

Quinn Bernier

Filomena Chirico

Derrick Cogburn
supporting the GigaNet Steering Committee nomination and election process
Derrick L. Cogburn is an expert in global information and communication technology policy, global governance, and the use of ICTs for socio-economic development. He is a partner in IGP, serves on the Executive Board of the International Communication Section of ISA and is President of the Information Technology and Politics (ITP) Section of the American Political Science Association. He was a founding member of the Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet) and currently serves on the Steering Committee as Chair of the Communication committee. Dr. Cogburn also directs the Center for Research on Collaboratories and Technology Enhanced Learning Communities ( and serves on the adjunct faculty at American University.

Laura DeNardis
Dr. Laura DeNardis is the Executive Director of the Information Society Project at Yale Law School. The author of the book Information Technology in Theory (2017 with Pelin Aksoy) and numerous book chapters and articles, she is an Internet governance scholar whose research addresses the legal and political implications of Internet standards.

avri doria

William Drake
William J. Drake is a Senior Associate at the Centre for International Governance of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland. In addition, he is co-editor of the MIT Press book series, The Information Revolution and Global Politics [] and a consultant on global information and communication technology policy issues. PhD, Political Science, Columbia University.

Lamees El Baghdady

Marianne Franklin

Raquel Gatto